Newly employed Máté Telek, PhD student Máté Telek is employed as a PhD student on 1 April 2021, working with the Algebra & Geometry Sectio…
Visiting Johannes Jakob Meyer, visiting PhD student Johannes Meyer, a PhD student from Freie Universität Berlin, will be visiting the QMATH Centre for…
Newly employed August Bjerg, PhD student August is employed as a PhD student from 1 January 2021 in the Analysis & Quantum section, where he…
Guest Xiaomeng Liu, visiting PhD student Xiaomeng Liu is visiting the Department’s Section for Insurance and Economics for a year with Rolf…
Newly employed Rasmus Kløvgaard Stavenuiter, PhD student Rasmus is employed as a PhD student from 15 November 2020, affiliated with the section Analysis &…
Newly employed Vignesh Subramanian, PhD student Vignesh Subramanian started at the department 1 September 2020 as a PhD student at the section for…
Newly employed Adriano Córdova, PhD student Adriano Cordova was employed from 1 September 2020 as a PhD student associated with the Copenhagen…
Newly employed Jacob Fronk, PhD student Jacob Fronk started 1. August 2020 in the section for Analysis & Quantum, as a PhD student with…
Newly employed Jeffrey Adams, PhD student Jeffrey Adams joined the department as a PhD student on 1 September 2020 and is associated with the…
Newly employed Predrag Pilipovic, research assistant Predrag is employed as a research assistant working with the section for Statistics and Probability…
Newly employed Peter Krarup, research assistant Peter Krarup started as a research assistant on 1 September 2020. From 1 January 2021, he is…
Newly employed Ali Muhammad, PhD student Ali Muhammad is employed as a PhD student as of September 1st 2020, with the Algebra and Geometry…
Newly employed Rikke Søndergaard Nielsen, PhD student Rikke is employed from 1 September 2020 as a PhD student at the section for Statistics and…
Newly employed Jinwen Ye, PhD student Jinwen Ye is employed as a PhD student from 1 September 2020, member of the section Insurance and…
Newly employed Paula Belzig, PhD student Paula Belzig started on 1 August 2020 as a TALENT PhD student at the Analysis & Quantum Section and…