
Collaborating with the external environment is important for the Department of Mathematical Sciences, as it increases the quality of both research and education.

The department has interdisciplinary research collaboration with many other departments and universities. We also provide many mathematics and statistics courses for students in other fields of study, for example, physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, and many more.

Business collaboration can be established in different ways ranging from informal knowledge exchange and counselling to joint research projects. We also have matchmaking events for business and graduate students.

See examples of the Department's current or recent collaborations:

Business collaboration Interdisciplinary research cooperation
Industrial PhD projects etc. Counseling

Read more about our research and please feel free to contact the researchers directly. You can also contact industrial collaboration coordinator Professor Mogens Steffensen or head of administration Gyrd Foss – they will guide you to the relevant researcher.

See more about the different opportunities at the University of Copenhagen’s portal for business collaboration.