4 December 2024 Eva Miranda, Professor at Universitat Politecnica Catalunya and CRM, Barcelona, and Humboldt Professor at Universität zu Köln. Title: Can water compute?
25 October 2023 Tim Austin (Regius Professor at the University of Warwick) Title: New developments in entropy and ergodic theory
12 December 2022 Carsten Thomassen (Professor at DTU) Title: Graphs, Networks and algorithms (see photos)
4 March 2020 Alison Etheridge (Professor of Probability, Head of Department of Statistics, Oxford University) Title: Modelling evolution
18 December 2019 Eero Saksman (Professor, Helsinki University) Title: In the footsteps of Harald Bohr and Børge Jessen - searching for randomness in the Riemann zeta function.
20 March 2019 Arthur Jaffe (L.T. Clay Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University) Title: The Story Behind the Millennium Prize Problems in Mathematics
12 December 2018 Gilles Pisier (Professor at Universite Paris Sorbonne and Distinguished Professor, A.G. and M.E. Owen Chair of Mathematics, Texas A&M) Title: The saga of Sidon sets
21 November 2018 Bernd Sturmfels (Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig) Title: The Geometry of Gaussoids
23 May 2018 Charles Bennett (Professor, IBM) Title: Forging the culture of quantum information science
18 September, 2017 Tobias Holck Colding (Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mathematics), MIT Title: Regularity questions in geometric flows
4 October, 2016 Simon Tavaré (Director of the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Professor), University of Cambridge Title: Is stochastic modeling useful in cancer research?
4 May, 2016 Alex Lubotzky (Maurice and Clara Weil chair in mathematics), Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University Title: High dimensional expanders: from Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes.
15 March, 2016 Peter McCullagh (John D. MacArthur Distinguished Service Professor), Department of Statistics, University of Chicago Title: Empirical phenomena and universal laws
10 November 2015 Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) Title: The Mathematical Objection: Turing, Gödel, and Penrose on the Mind
26 May 2015 Daniel Stroock (MIT) Title: Some elementary Application of Gaussian Measures to Analysis Stroock SLIDES from the talk.
5 May 2015 Barry Simon (Caltech) Tales of Our Forefathers SLIDES from the talk. |
20 January 2015 Patrick Hayden (Stanford University) Quantum Information as Asymptotic Geometry. |
11 November 2014 Günter M. Ziegler ( Freie Universität Berlin). The story of 3N points in a plane. |
30 September 2014 Peter Teichner (Max Planck Institute & UC Berkeley). 4 manifolds revisited.
12 June 2014 Alicia Dickenstein (University of Buenos Aires). Computational algebraic geometry and biochemical reaction networks. |
29 April 2014 Sy David Friedman (University of Vienna). The Current State of Foundations of Set Theory. |
18 March 2014 Steffen Lauritzen (Oxford University). Gaussian Graphical Models with Symmetry. |
11 February 2014 Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M). On Random Groups of Intermediate Growth. |