Photos from Department Colloquium 24 October 2023 with Tim Austin.

Department Colloquium

The Department Colloquium is held 2-3 times per semester, usually on Wednesday afternoons at 15:15. Line Clemmensen and Søren Eilers organize the colloquium, following Magdalena Musat, colloquium organizer 2014-2024.

Past Colloquia:

Eva Miranda

4 December 2024
Eva Miranda, Professor at Universitat Politecnica Catalunya and CRM, Barcelona, and Humboldt Professor at Universität zu Köln.
Title: Can water compute?

Tim Austin

25 October 2023
Tim Austin (Regius Professor at the University of Warwick)
Title: New developments in entropy and ergodic theory

Carsten Thomassen

12 December 2022
Carsten Thomassen (Professor at DTU)
Title: Graphs, Networks and algorithms (see photos)

Alison Etheridge

4 March 2020
Alison Etheridge (Professor of Probability, Head of Department of Statistics, Oxford University)
Title: Modelling evolution

Eero Saksman

18 December 2019
Eero Saksman (Professor, Helsinki University)
Title: In the footsteps of Harald Bohr and Børge Jessen - searching for randomness in the Riemann zeta function.

Arthur Jaffe

20 March 2019
Arthur Jaffe (L.T. Clay Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University)
Title: The Story Behind the Millennium Prize Problems in Mathematics 

Gilles Pisier

12 December 2018
Gilles Pisier (Professor at Universite Paris Sorbonne and Distinguished Professor, A.G. and M.E. Owen Chair of Mathematics, Texas A&M)
Title: The saga of Sidon sets

Bernd Sturmfels

21 November 2018
Bernd Sturmfels (Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)
Title: The Geometry of Gaussoids

Charles Bennett

23 May 2018
Charles Bennett (Professor, IBM)
Title: Forging the culture of quantum information science

Tobias Colding

18 September, 2017
Tobias Holck Colding (Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mathematics), MIT 
Title: Regularity questions in geometric flows

Simon Tavaré

4 October, 2016
Simon Tavaré (Director of the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Professor), University of Cambridge 
Title: Is stochastic modeling useful in cancer research?

Alex Lubotzky

4 May, 2016
Alex Lubotzky (Maurice and Clara Weil chair in mathematics), Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University
Title: High dimensional expanders: from Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes.

Peter McCullagh

15 March, 2016
Peter McCullagh (John D. MacArthur Distinguished Service Professor), Department of Statistics, University of Chicago
Title: Empirical phenomena and universal laws

Jack Copeland

10 November 2015
Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
Title: The Mathematical Objection: Turing, Gödel, and Penrose on the Mind

Daniel W. Stroock

26 May 2015
Daniel Stroock (MIT)
Title: Some elementary Application of Gaussian Measures to Analysis
Stroock SLIDES from the talk.

Barry Simon 5 May 2015
Barry Simon (Caltech)
Tales of Our Forefathers
SLIDES from the talk.
Patrick Hayden 20 January 2015 
Patrick Hayden (Stanford University)
Quantum Information as Asymptotic Geometry.
Günter M. Ziegler 11 November 2014 
Günter M. Ziegler ( Freie Universität Berlin).
The story of 3N points in a plane.
Peter Teichner

30 September 2014
Peter Teichner (Max Planck Institute & UC Berkeley).
4 manifolds revisited.

Alicia Dickenstein 12 June 2014 
Alicia Dickenstein (University of Buenos Aires). 
Computational algebraic geometry and biochemical reaction networks.
Sy David Friedman 29 April 2014
Sy David Friedman (University of Vienna). 
The Current State of Foundations of Set Theory.
Steffen Lauritzen 18 March 2014 
Steffen Lauritzen (Oxford University). 
Gaussian Graphical Models with Symmetry.
Rostislav Grigorchuk 11 February 2014 
Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M). 
On Random Groups of Intermediate Growth.