Newly employed 2023.08.14 Adrien Morin, postdoc Adrien Morin is 1 August 2023 employed as a postdoc in the Algebra & Geometry section, working with Fabien Pazuki.
Newly employed 2023.08.09 Ashutosh Goswami, postdoc Ashutosh Goswami started as a postdoc on 1st July 2023, within the QMATH Centre. His supervisor is Matthias Christandl.
Newly employed 2023.08.09 Philipp Carsten Hornung, PhD student Philipp Carsten Hornung started on 7 August 2923 as a PhD student in the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.
Newly employed 2023.08.08 Marco Olivieri, postdoc Marco Olivieri started on 1 August 2023 as a postdoc in the department’s section of Analysis & Quantum, working in the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.
Newly employed 2023.08.08 Teaching Associate Professors Thomas H. Danielsen and Søren L. Kristensen Thomas Hjortgaard Danielsen and Søren Ladegaard Kristensen are employed from 1 August 2023 as teaching associate professors (study lecturers).
Appointment 2023.08.07 Niklas Andreas Pfister, Associate Professor The Dean has 1 August 2023 promoted Niklas Pfister to Associate Professor of Mathematics. He will remain affiliated with the section Statistics and Probability Theory.
Newly employed 2023.08.03 Jun Yang, Tenure Track Assistant Professor Jun Yang started on 1 July 2023 as a (tenure-track) assistant professor in statistics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Newly employed 2023.08.03 Sigurd Storgaard, PhD student From 1 August 2023, Sigurd Storgaard is employed as a PhD student at the department’s section for Analysis & Quantum affiliated with the QMATH Centre. Laura Mančinska will be his supervisor.
Newly employed 2023.06.13 Frederik Hindborg Jensen, PhD student On 1 June 2023, Frederik Hindborg Jensen started as a PhD student in the section for Statistics and Probability Theory. He will continue his research on narwhals.
Newly employed 2023.04.19 Phillip Frede Halmsted Olsen, PhD student Phillip has been employed as a PhD student since 1 April 2023, working with the section Insurance and Economics.