Newly employed 2023.09.03 Elias Theil, PhD student Elias Theil was employed on 1 September 2023 as a PhD student in the department’s Analysis & Quantum section affiliated with the QMATH Centre.
Newly employed 2023.08.30 Bhavik Kumar, PhD student Starting 1 September 2023, Bhavik Kumar will begin his PhD at the Quantum for Life Centre, associated with the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Newly employed 2023.08.30 Florian Riedel, PhD student Florian Riedel has been employed from 1 September 2023 as a PhD student at the department’s Algebra & Geometry section, affiliated with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology.
Newly employed 2023.08.30 Christoffer Kinttof Øhlenschlæger, PhD student Christoffer Kinttof Øhlenschlæger is employed as a PhD student at the department from September 2023. He will be working in the section for Insurance and Economics.
Newly employed 2023.08.29 Azélie Picot, PhD student Azélie Picot has begun a PhD at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in September 2023. She will be working with the “Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology”.
Newly employed 2023.08.25 Jinyang Liu, 3+5 PhD student Jinyang Liu will start as a 3+5 PhD student from 1 September 2023 in the Statistics and Probability Theory Section, with Munir Hiabu as his primary supervisor.
Newly employed 2023.08.23 Tessa Steensgaard, PhD student Tessa Steensgaard was employed as a PhD student from August 2023 at the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.
Newly employed 2023.08.17 Lubashan Pathirana, postdoc Lubashan Pathirana was employed 1 August 2023 in the department’s section for Analysis & Quantum, associated with the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH).
Nyansat 2023.08.17 Johannes Agerskov, postdoc From 1 September 2023, Johannes is employed as a postdoc at the department, where he is associated with the Analysis & Quantum section and the QMATH centre.
Newly employed 2023.08.17 Karl Kristian Engelund, PhD student Karl Kristian Engelund will start on 1 September 2023 as a PhD student in the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.