Information propagation in long-range quantum many-body systems

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We study general lattice bosons with long-range hopping and long-range interactions decaying as |x − y| −α with α ∈ (d + 2, 2d + 1). We find a linear light cone for the information propagation starting from suitable initial states. We apply these bounds to estimate the minimal time needed for quantum messaging, for the propagation of quantum correlations, and for quantum state control. The proofs are based on the ASTLO method (adiabatic spacetime localization observables). Our results pose previously unforeseen limitations on the applicability of fast-transfer and entanglement-generation protocols developed for breaking linear light cones in long-range and/or bosonic systems
TidsskriftPhysical Review A
Udgave nummer6
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Jérémy Faupin and Avy Soffer for enjoyable and fruitful collaborations. The research of M.L. and C.R. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) through Grant No. TRR 352–470903074. The research of I.M.S. is supported in part by NSERC Grant No. NA7901. J.Z. is supported by DNRF Grant CPH-GEOTOP-DNRF151, DAHES Fellowship Grant No. 2076-00006B, DFF Grant No. 7027-00110B, and the Carlsberg Foundation Grant No. CF21-0680. His research was also supported in part by NSERC Grant No. NA7901. Parts of this work were done while J.Z. was visiting MIT. We thank the referees for their helpful comments.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 American Physical Society.

ID: 389667306