A note on homology for Smale spaces

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  • Valerio Proietti
We collect three observations on the homology for Smale spaces defined by Putnam. The definition of such homology groups involves four complexes. It is shown here that a simple convergence theorem for spectral sequences can be used to prove that all complexes yield the same homology. Furthermore, we introduce a simplicial framework by which the various complexes can be understood as suitable "symmetric" Moore complexes associated to the simplicial structure. The last section discusses projective resolutions in the context of dynamical systems. It is shown that the projective cover of a Smale space is realized by the system of shift spaces and factor maps onto it.
TidsskriftGroups, Geometry, and Dynamics
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)813-836
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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