The Yara Gambirasio case: Combining evidence in a complex DNA mixture case

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Therese Graversen
  • Julia Mortera
  • Giampietro Lago

Here, we illustrate how statistical methods can help extract information from mixed DNA profiles pertaining to an Italian case, referred to by the media as The murder of Yara Gambirasio. We base the analysis on a model for DNA mixtures that takes fully into account the peak heights and possible artefacts, like stutter and dropout that might occur in the DNA amplification process. We show how to combine the evidence from multiple samples and from different marker systems all within the model framework. The combined evidence is used for deconvolution, where the focus is to find likely profiles for the donors to the sample. We also show how a mixture can be used to establish familial relationships between a reference profile and a donor to the mixed DNA sample. We compare results based on a single mixed DNA profile, combination of replicates, combinations of different samples and combinations of different kits. Based on the Yara case, we discuss just a few of the plethora of possibilities of combining evidential information.

Original languageEnglish
JournalForensic Science International: Genetics
Pages (from-to)52-63
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • Combining evidence, DNA mixtures, Forensic statistics, Kinship, Likelihood ratio, Mixture deconvolution, Probabilistic genotyping

ID: 241100799