Workshop on Semiprojectivity and Asymptotic Morphisms

The University of Copenhagen

May 17 - 21, 2010



Organizers: Søren Eilers, Tatiana Shulman , Centre for Symmetry and Deformation


  • Bruce Blackadar, University of Nevada-Reno
  • Marius Dadarlat, Purdue University
  • Huaxin Lin , University of Oregon
  • Terry Loring, University of New Mexico
  • Vladimir Manuilov, Moscow State University
  • Christopher Phillips, University of Oregon
  • Tatiana Shulman , University of Copenhagen
  • Jack Spielberg, Arizona State University
  • Wojciech Szymanski, University of Southern Denmark
  • Klaus Thomsen, University of Århus

There will be a talk in the morning and a talk or two in the afternoon. Here is a link to the PROGRAM and TITLE & ABSTRACT of the talks.