Geometry and Topology, ICM sectional workshop

University of Copenhagen
6-14 July 2022
Satellite of the virtual ICM
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) is the world's largest mathematical meeting. Taking place every four years, it presents a unique opportunity for interaction of mathematicians from the whole world and across all mathematical disciplines.
The ICM 2022 was recently reorganised as an online event, and this event will host some of the talks real life, and attempt to salvage, on a smaller scale, some of the usual spirit of an ICM. The focus of the event in Copenhagen will be the Geometry and Topology sections, though it will not be restricted to those. Similar events are being organized at other locations, see links below.
All the talks of the ICM 2022 will be streamed and we also plan "public viewings" of ICM talks held at other locations, see below for the speakers who will be present in Copenhagen. We expect to have limited financial support for junior participants and will hold short communications sessions for junior participants.
We are looking forward to an exciting and lively mini-ICM 2022 in Copenhagen!
You can either participate in person 🇩🇰 or online 🌎 through the official virtual ICM.
Plenary speakers |
Tobias Colding |
Alexander Kuznetsov |
Michel Van den Bergh
LMS public lecture |
Karen Vogtmann
Geometry Section |
Topology Section |
Danny Calegari | Jennifer Hom |
Richard Bamler |
Thomas Nikolaus |
Kai Cieliebak | Oscar Randal-Williams |
David Fisher | Jacob Rasmussen |
Peter Hintz | Nathalie Wahl |
Gustav Holzegel | |
Kathryn Mann | |
Mark Mclean | |
Richard Schwartz | |
Robert Young | |
Algebraic and complex geometry
Algebra |
Bruno Klingler | Amnon Neeman |
Chi Li | Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace |
History of Mathematics |
Krishnamurthi Ramasubramanian | |
In addition to the talks by ICM speakers, we will have a few sessions of short communications, see under Programme for the schedule, full list of speakers, as well as titles and abstracts.
See our local programme in Copenhagen here. See here for the titles and abstracts of the main talks, and the program of the short communications.
All the LIVE talks (plenary talks, LMS lecture, sectional talks and short communications) will take place in Aud 1. The viewing of ONLINE talks will be held in Aud 4.
See the programme for the Virtual ICM 2022 at the IMU webpage.
Videos of the ICM sectional and plenary lectures can be found on the IMU's YouTube channel, and Karen Vogtmann's LMS public lecture can be found on GeoTop's YouTube channel (click here for a direct link).
Scientific Programme:
- Kai Cieliebak (U Ausburg)
- Thomas Nikolaus (U Münster)
- Nathalie Wahl (U Copenhagen)
Administration: Jan Tapdrup, email:, phone (+45) 24 87 36 85
Links to other ICM viewing events:
Applied Mathematics (London)
Lie Theory and Generalizations (Singapore)
Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry (Zurich)
Probability and Mathematical Physics (Helsinki)
Dynamics in Jerusalem, (July 3–8)
Satellite conference in Copenhagen: Operator Algebras, Dynamics and Groups (July 1-4, Copenhagen) (including several ICM speakers from the Analysis section)
See also ICM satellite coordination group for further links to ICM events.