SCIENCE Business Prize to Mogens Steffensen
Professor Mogens Steffensen has been awarded the SCIENCE Business Prize, which is awarded to those who make a special effort to make new knowledge available to companies and authorities.

The SCIENCE Faculty focuses on contributing to solving society's challenges. This is done, among other things, by promoting the interaction between the faculty and public and private companies, but increasingly also start-ups, spin-offs and patents.
In this connection, the SCIENCE Business Prize is awarded every year to someone who has made a special contribution in the field, and this year the prize-winner is Professor Mogens Steffensen from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, who in addition to the honor also receives DKK 75,000.
Over a number of years, Mogens has diligently nurtured and expanded his business contacts. He has held countless meetings with a large number of companies to explore opportunities for business collaboration both within his own research area and within other of the department's research areas.
At the same time, he has maintained a research career at a high international level, where his position among the world leaders in his field ensures that his business partners have access to the profession’s latest results and knowledge.