Tessa Steensgaard, PhD student
Tessa Steensgaard was employed as a PhD student from August 2023 at the department’s section for Insurance and Economics.

Tessa holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Actuarial Mathematics from the University of Copenhagen. She defended her Master’s thesis “Risk Modelling Techniques in Non-Life Insurance with Application on Real-Life Data” supervised by Jostein Paulsen in June 2023.
The PhD project falls within the project frame InterAct - an extensive collaboration between the Department and (currently) seven of the country's insurance companies and pension funds.
The project will deal with interpretable machine learning and fairness. The project is supervised by Mogens Steffensen, with Munir Hiabu and Christian Furrer as co-supervisors.
You can find Tessa in office 04.4.05