24 November 2020

Rasmus Kløvgaard Stavenuiter, PhD student

Newly employed

Rasmus is employed as a PhD student from 15 November 2020, affiliated with the section Analysis & Quantum.

Rasmus Kløvgaard StavenuiterRasmus obtained his bachelor and master degrees at the University of Copenhagen. His master's thesis, carrying the title 'Poincaré inequalities, non-linear spectral calculus and superexpanders', was supervised by Magdalena Musat, who will also be the supervisor of his PhD project.

Rasmus’ interests lie within the fields of measure theory, functional analysis and approximation properties for groups. His master's thesis is about expander graphs, which are graph sequences with certain spectral properties, making their metric structure highly incompatible with certain classes of Banach spaces.

In the PhD project, Rasmus wish to continue the study of such spectral conditions for graphs associated to groups. In particular, he is interested in studying such spectral conditions for graphs associated to random groups. Moreover, he wishes to study applications of expander graphs to questions within C*-algebras.

Rasmus is working from office 04.4.05.