Rasmus Frigaard Lemvig, Research Assistant
Rasmus Frigaard Lemvig started on 1 February 2025 as a research assistant in the Insurance and Economics Section. From 1 May 2025, he is employed as a PhD student in the same place.

Rasmus Frigaard Lemvig started on 1 January 2025 as a research assistant in the Insurance and Economics Section. From 1 May 2025, he is employed as a PhD student in the same place.
Rasmus has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a bachelor's and master's in actuarial mathematics from the University of Copenhagen. He is primarily interested in the mathematics and statistics of life insurance with an emphasis on multi-state modelling.
Rasmus’ master's thesis has the title "Machine learning methods for survival and multi-state models" and is about non-parametric methods to estimate mortality with perspectives to more general multi-state models. His supervisor was Martin Bladt with Niklas Pfister as co-supervisor.
During his time as a scientific assistant, Rasmus will be TA in the course QRM and I will be doing some teaching-related tasks in Liv2. He will also continue the work in his thesis, namely developing machine learning methods for multi-state modelling. He plans to continue working on this project when he starts his PhD in May. His research will have both practical and theoretical aspects. His main supervisor during the PhD is Martin Bladt.
During his studies, Rasmus has worked as a TA in several courses, primarily in the areas of probability theory and actuarial mathematics. He has also done a lot of volunteer work for the Danish Youth Association of Science, focusing on teaching and writing material in different areas of mathematics.
You can meet Rasmus in office 4.3.20.