Pierre Elis, PhD student
Pierre Elis was in September 2021 employed as a PhD student at the department’s section for Algebra & Geometry.

Pierre will work with the Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology, where Nathalie Wahl and Søren Galatius will be his supervisors. His PhD project will be about topics in algebraic-geometric topology.
“I am to study topics in link with the homotopy theory of manifolds, such as the action of the moduli space of surfaces on string topology”, he says. His current research interests are homotopy theory, algebraic topology of manifolds, cobordism, and moduli spaces of manifolds.
Pierre comes from France, where he did his studies at the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay. His master was at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord; where he did his thesis with Christian Ausoni on a theorem from Mahowald about Thom spectra.
You can read more about Pierre on his webpage – and meet him in office 04.0.04.