6 May 2022

Myrto Limnios, postdoc

Newly employed

Myrto Limnios is employed as a postdoc at the section Statistics and Probability Theory from 1 May 2022. She works with Niels Richard Hansen in the Copenhagen Causality Lab.

Myrto Limnios

Myto’s interests are related to causal learning for unstructured events, and in particular to conditional independence testing and learning algorithms.

Her research is centred on statistical learning theory and nonparametric hypothesis testing, with possible applications in biostatistics. 

Myrto grew up in France and got two Masters at Université Paris Diderot and Ecole des Mines Nancy, before obtaining her PhD at Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay. Her thesis, entitled Rank processes and statistical applications in high dimension, was supervised by Prof. Nicolas Vayatis and Ioannis Bargiotas.

You can meet Myto in office 04.2.11