Munir Eberhardt Hiabu, associate professor
The Dean has promoted Munir Eberhardt Hiabu to Associate Professor of Actuarial Mathematics and Data Science at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, UCPH, from 1 January 2025.

Munir has worked as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the department’s Insurance and Economics section since September 2021. Before that, he was a Lecturer in Statistics at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Australia.
Munir has a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Heidelberg University, Germany (2011), an M.Sc. in Mathematics from Heidelberg University, Germany (2012), and a Ph.D. in Actuarial Science from the Cass Business School, City University of London (2016).
Research and Supervision
Munir Eberhardt Hiabu’s research can roughly be divided into four main categories: reserving in non-life insurance, survival analysis, machine learning with special emphasis on interpretation, and pensions and investments.
“Munir’s broad scientific background allows him to research and teach interesting, up-to-date subjects. Due to the combination of theory and practice in his research, he has attracted many master's and PhD students here in Copenhagen, and there is no doubt that he will continue to do so in the future”, says Head of Department Mogens Steffensen.
Teaching and Collaboration
Munir has considerable teaching experience. He has lectured at both the bachelor's and master's levels, teaching various statistics and actuarial courses and courses in Financial Economics. He has taught large (500 students) first-year introductory courses and specialized MSc courses, such as machine learning for non-life insurance.
“He has a student-centred teaching philosophy, reflected in his teaching experience and approach,” says Mogens Steffensen.
The Interact project frame currently funds Munir. He offers frequent site visits, meetings, and courses within InterAct and to other organizations, such as the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority of Germany and the Danish Society of Actuaries.
"The promotion of Munir will undoubtedly benefit the department, the students, and our partners," says Mogens Steffensen.