30 August 2022

Marius Kjærsgaard, 4+4 PhD student

Newly employed

Marius is employed as a so-called 4+4 PhD student from 1 September 2022. He will be working with the Algebra and Geometry section and the GeoTop centre.

Marius Kjærsgaard

Marius finished his bachelor's degree in this department in 2021. His bachelor's thesis where on étale cohomology, supervised by Dustin Clausen. After that, he did one year of the MATH master's program.

He will now finish his master's and a PhD degree in the coming four years. Dustin Clausen will be his PhD advisor.

Marius’ main interests are algebraic geometry, K-theory and higher algebra. His PhD project will be somewhere at the intersection of these areas with the precise topic yet to be determined.

You can find Marius in office 04.4.03