11 September 2019

Guchuan Li, postdoc

Newly employed

Guchuan Li is employed as a postdoc researcher since 1 September 2019, associated with the Center for Symmetry and Deformation. He will be working with two research groups: Topology and Algebra & Number Theory.

Guchuan Li Guchuan got his bachelor degree in math from Peking University 2009-2013. After that, he started a PhD programme at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) from 2013 and finished it in 2019. His supervisor was Paul Goerss. The thesis is titled “Picard Groups of K(n)-Local Categories”.

Guchuan is interested in algebraic topology, with a particular emphasis on chromatic homotopy theory and its interaction with equivariant homotopy theory. In Copenhagen his mentor will be Jesper Grodal.

From September 2020, Gouchan will be a postdoc at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

You can meet Guchuan in office 04.0.09