31 January 2025

Lifelong learning in quantum science

Education project

The Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Niels Bohr Institute have teamed up with DTU to develop new teaching programmes in quantum science. The programmes will be aimed at high schools, universities and continuing education for high school teachers.

Quantum education

The programmes will also be more general for employees in sectors that could benefit from the latest knowledge in quantum technology.

The Lifelong Education in Quantum Science project aims to ensure that the Danish labour market has a sufficiently well-educated workforce to take advantage of the new technological and economic opportunities that the new quantum revolution could create. For the benefit of research, business and the entire Danish society.

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science supports the education project with DKK 2.5 million over 2 years starting in January 2025.

The project aims to develop educational material and study programmes for high schools, bachelor's degree programmes and new courses for the master's degree programme in quantum information science.

In collaboration with high schools and companies, the ambition is to create an environment for the co-creation of activities that allow for the development of practice-oriented teaching for high school students and university students. And to develop Continuing Education and Training offers (CVT) for professionals in the form of module-based training programmes.

“We are looking forward to expanding our teaching programme in quantum science, which has so far focused on our highly successful Master of Science in Quantum Information Science. With the new project, we will also be able to target high schools and further education,” says Jan Philip Solovej, project manager of the education project and head of studies for the new Master of Science in Quantum Information Science (MSc QIS) programme.

The project is currently hiring a Scientific Project Coordinator (full-time) and a high school teacher as an external consultant (15%) to support and coordinate the project. Both will work closely with the CVT units at both UCPH and DTU and create good synergies with UCPH and DTU's other STEM activities. The scientific project coordinator will also expand collaboration with companies and external partners in quantum technology.