8 September 2015

Gijs Heuts, new postdoc

Gijs HeutGijs Heuts is employed as postdoc at MATH from September 1st 2015. He is associated with the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory - and with the Center for Symmetry and Deformation. His postdoc mentor is Jesper Grodal.

Gijs has his master degree from Utrecht University, Netherlands, and completed his PhD in May 2015 at Harvard University, USA, under the supervision of Jacob Lurie. His research is in homotopy theory and higher category theory.

“Specifically, I try to use Goodwillie calculus to study chromatic unstable homotopy theory. Also, I collaborate with Ieke Moerdijk on the study of operads in higher category theory”, explains Gijs.

Gijs can be found in office 04.1.18.