6 May 2014

Rune Harder Bak, PhD student

PhD student

Rune Harder Bak was hired as a PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in March 2014. His supervisor is Henrik Holm and he is part of the research group Algebra and Number Theory. The area is Homological Algebra where Rune is studying generalizations of ring theoretical results for Differential Graded Algebras.

Rune Harder Bak Rune has mathematically been around. He has his master's degree from the University of Copenhagen with Ian Kiming as supervisor of his thesis in algebraic number theory titled "On l-adic Galois representation associated to modular forms.”

As part of his graduate studies he was at Fudan University in China, where he studied abstract algebra and algebraic geometry. After completing the study, he continued with Arithmetic Geometry at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

Rune also has a bachelor's degree in computer science. After Humboldt, he studied with the help of "Travel Grant for Mathematicians" functional programming, logic and type theory at Kyoto University and Stanford University.

With that background he has been part of several IT startups and consulting firms before he last fall returned to the University as an external lecturer. We are now pleased to be able to welcome him as a PhD student.

You can find Rune in office 04.4.05.