
The collection of monographs is ordered alphabetically after author/editor. Monographs from the former library of statistics and actuarial sciences are located on the 2nd floor, the rest on the 1st floor.

Special collections of monographs are located seperately, including:

  • Congress proceedings are sorted after the county where the conference took place and then chronologically. There are, however, some exceptions. The exceptions to the ordering after country and year are some series of congress proceedings that a located together: Congress proceedings from the international, European and Scandinavian congresses of mathematics are gathered in the beginning. France: Proceedings from a number of seminars are gathered last, eg. Séminaire Bourbaki and Séminaire de probabilités. Italy: Symposia Mathematica are gathered seperately. USA: Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, and Proceedings of the International Conferences on Operational Research are gathered last.
  • Festschrifts are ordered alphabeticalle after the person or event they are associated with
  • Encyclopædia, dictionaries, varia & big format: This group includes all the library's volumes of "Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences" published by Springer-Verlag
  • Tables: These are located in the basement (The Archive).
  • Master Theses and the like: 1st floor and the basement. There are seperate lists for master theses in mathematics and operations research. Lists of older theses are in The Arcive
  • The elementary collection is partially integrated into the collection of monographs. A small, new collection is located seperately on the 1st floor.