Number Theory Seminar

Speaker: Liyang Yang (Caltech)

Title: Expansion of the Jacquet-Zagier Trace Formula on GL(n)

Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce the Jacquet-Zagier trace formula on GL(n), which is a variant of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula: the difference is that one puts an Eisenstein series into the trace formula, i.e., integrating K_0(x,x)E(x,s) instead of the usual cuspidal kernel function K_0(x,x), where E(x,s) is a suitable Eisenstein series. We will compute its geometric and spectral sides. As an application we obtain holomorphic continuation of adjoint L-functions on GL(3) and GL(4).

The talk will take place on Zoom. If you would like to receive the Zoom link and are not part of our current NT Seminar mailing list, please contact the organizer.