KU-SDU operator algebra seminar (online)

Title: On the classification of quantum lens spaces

Speaker: Sophie Mikkelsen (SDU)

Abstract: In this talk we will investigate quantum lens spaces $C(L_q^{2n+1}(r;\underline{m}))$, introduced by Brzeziński and Szymański as graph $C^*$-algebras.

First, we give a description of the classification results of graph $C^*$-algebras over finite graphs by EilersRestorff, Ruiz and Sørensen in the setting of quantum lens spaces.

As an application of this, we give a number-theoretic invariant for quantum lens spaces with $n\leq 3$, when all but one weight in $\underline{m}$ are coprime to the order of the acting group $r$. The result builds upon the classification result by EilersRestorff, Ruiz and Sørensen, where 7 dimensional quantum lens spaces, for which all the weights are coprime to the order of the acting group, were classified.

Zoom link: https://syddanskuni.zoom.us/j/67427295726?pwd=TlQ4NEY2a0RMcEpld2hDaUt3YmhLdz09