KU/SDU operator algebra seminar

Speaker: Makoto Yamashita

Title: Homology and K-theory of torsion free ample groupoids

Abstract: The problem of connecting the integral homology to the K-groups of C*-algebra for ample groupoids was recently popularized by Matui. As an answer for this, we construct a spectral sequence starting from the groupoid homology which ends at the K-groups when the groupoid satisfies the Baum-Connes conjecture and has torsion free stabilizers. The construction crucially relies on the Meyer-Nest theory of triangulated structure on equivariant KK-categories. The same technique allows us to incorporate Putnam’s homology theory for Smale spaces in place of groupoid homology, and an analogous construction involving the Bowen-Franks groups for the Ruelle algebra.


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