KU-SDU operator algebra seminar (online)

Speaker: Jamie Gabe (SDU)

Title: A new approach to classifying C*-algebras 

Abstract: I will tell you about a new approach to classifying nuclear C*-algebras. We obtain a new proof of the classification of separable, unital, simple, nuclear, Z-stable C*-algebras satisfying the UCT. Along the way we also describe the automorphism group modulo approximately inner automorphisms of such C*-algebras. This is joint work with José Carrión, Chris Schafhauser, Aaron TIkuisis, and Stuart White.

Zoom link: https://syddanskuni.zoom.us/j/67427295726?pwd=TlQ4NEY2a0RMcEpld2hDaUt3YmhLdz09

Zoom ID: 674 2729 5726

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