Seminar in applied mathematics and statistics

SPEAKER: Sebastian Walcher (RWTH Aachen University).

TITLE: Coordinate-independent singular perturbation reduction for systems with three time scales.

ABSTRACT:  This is joint work with Niclas Kruff. Building on recent work by Cardin and Teixeira who extended Fenichel's theory to ordinary differential equations with more than two time scales, we devise a coordinate-independent reduction for systems with three time scales; thus no separation of variables into fast, slow etc. is required. Moreover we consider arbitrary parameter dependent systems and generalize earlier work on Tikhonov-Fenichel parameter values -- i.e. parameter values from which singularly perturbed systems emanate upon small perturbations -- to the three time-scale setting. We use our results to discuss two standard systems from biochemistry.


Upcoming events:

Friday, May 3 at 13.15: Mette Asmild

Thursday, May 23 at 14.15: Andrea Macrina