Algebra/Topology seminar

This talk has been cancelled.

Speaker: Thomas Kragh (University of Uppsala)

Title: Algebraic K-theory of spaces and exact Lagrangians in cotangent bundles

Abstract: In this talk I will outline how "bifurcation of critical points" provides a relation between algebraic K-theory of spaces (in particular pseudo-isotopy theory) and Legendrian submanifolds in jet-bundles. I will also outline how this combined with Bökstedt's result that the Hatcher-Waldhausen map is a rational homotopy equivalence provides new result for exact Lagrangians sub-manifold. If time permits I will also discuss twistings in the presence of a non-trivial index bundle (in the sense of Atiah-Singer index theorem) and further relations to the Hatcher-Waldhausen map (or more specifically the rigid tube map). The last part is joint work (in progress) with Mohammed Abouzaid, Sylvain Courte, and Stephane Guillermou.