Algebra/Topology Seminar

Speaker: Hana Kong

Title: The motivic Chow t-structure

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the Chow t-structure on the motivic stable homotopy category over a general base field. This t-structure is a generalization of the Chow-Novikov t-structure defined on a p-completed cellular motivic module category in work of Gheorghe--Wang--Xu.
Moreover, we identify the heart of this t-structure with a purely algebraic category, and expand the results of Gheorghe—Wang--Xu to integral results on the entire motivic category over general base fields. This leads to computational applications in determining the Adams spectral sequence differentials. It also connects to the equivariant theory when field extensions are involved. This is joint work with Tom Bachmann, Guozhen Wang and Zhouli Xu.