7 September 2023

Léo Morin, postdoc

Newly employed

Léo Morin is employed as a postdoc in the Analysis & Quantum Section, affiliated with QMATH, the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory.

Léo Morin

Léo studied at the University of Rennes until his PhD, during which he worked on the semiclassical analysis of the magnetic Laplacian under the supervision of Nicolas Raymond and San Vu Ngoc.

- My approach relies on the construction of normal forms for the magnetic Laplacian to study its bound states, semi-excited states, non-selfadjoint perturbations, or magnetic tunneling, says Léo.

After the PhD, he spent two years as a postdoc at Aarhus University before moving to Copenhagen. At the QMATH Centre, he is working with Søren Fournais on many-body systems and Bose-Einstein condensation.

Apart from work, he enjoys hiking, playing the piano and playing board games.

You can meet Léo at Vibenshuset, Lyngbyvej 1.