4 August 2022

Jakob Günther, PhD student

Newly employed

Jakob Günther started 1 July 2022 as a PhD student at the Quantum for Life Centre and the section for Analysis & Quantum.

Jakob Günther

Jakob’s research interests revolve around the question of how quantum computing can be used to simulate and understand (bio-)chemical systems. In his PhD project, he is asking how quantum hardware could be leveraged to facilitate the description of molecular recognition. Furthermore, he will be investigating the resource requirements of quantum algorithms proposed for simulations of chemical systems. Lastly, he will be working on the theory side of a nanophotonic-lattice and atom quantum system realized at the Nils Bohr Institute.

Jakob will be doing his PhD in the group of Matthias Christandl as part of the ‘Quantum for Life’ project, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Furthermore, he is working in collaboration with Markus Reiher and Alberto Baiardi from ETH Zurich on his projects.

Jakob did his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Sciences at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His study program allowed him to design his curriculum freely, and during his master’s he chose to focus on the fields of quantum information processing and theoretical chemistry. He did a project at IBM Research Zurich, working on quantum error mitigation and quantum simulation. His master’s thesis was on the topic of microcanonical instanton rate theory, and it was supervised by Jeremy Richardson.

You can meet Jakob at Vibenshuset, room V01-4-14.