Bredon cohomology of non-positively curved triangle of groups

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Titel: Bredon cohomology of non-positively curved triangle of groups

 Abstract: The goal of the project is to use GAP to compute the Bredon cohomology of certain groups with certain coefficients. We will focus on a special class of groups: groups that arise as fundamental groups of non-positively curved triangle of finite groups. Examples of such groups are triangle groups, Coxeter groups, but there are many more. We choose these classes of groups because it ’easy’ to handle, but still rich enough to be interesting. The coefficients we will look at are the Burnside ring functor. The reason for this is that Bredon cohomology of a group G with these coefficients computes important topological invariants of the classifying space BG of G 

Vejleder: Dieter Dries Degrijse
Censor:   Lisbeth Fajstrup, Aalborg Universitet