27 February 2014

Open House for high school students

Full house

The interest in mathematics studies was great when SCIENCE held an Open House on North Campus 26 February. 1.200 high school students filled “Vandrehallen”, and many found their way to the MATH info-booth, where students responded to questions about the studies.

The MATH-info booth

From 13:00 to 17:00 the “Vandrehal” at the Hans Christian Ørsted Institute was packed with high school students. All departments from the North Campus, and a few other SCIENCE department had info-booths with materials and students – to help the high school students in making informed study choices. 


All departments invited to lectures on their studies and they offered talks with math students under more peaceful environment in classrooms.

Auditorium 2

Meet a student...

The MATH booth and room A107 was staffed by 17 dedicated students from the mathematical sciences. They showed their textbooks and told about the curriculum, teaching, levels, modules, choices, exams and more.

Ernst Hansen and the math students