Annemarie Olsen

Annemarie Olsen

Associate Professor

I work as an Associate Professor in consumer behaviour at the Department of Food Science in the section for Design and Consumer Behaviour. I conduct research and teach within human behaviour, primarily based on behavioural psychology and with a focus on food and product choices, most often with children as the target group. I work to understand and change taste preferences and eating habits in a healthier and more sustainable direction. I work very close to practice and often with a focus on everyday implementation, e.g. in families, daycare centers, schools and workplaces. I often work with nudging, behavioural design and choice architecture and also investigate how contextual factors influence both our choices of food and the quantities consumed.

I teach and mentor students at all academic levels.

I am Head of Section for the Design and Consumer Behavior section. The section consists of 2 research groups and approximately 50 employees. In that role, I coordinate research, fundraising, communication and teaching with researchers, teachers and technical/administrative staff.

For a number of years I have been Head of Studies and later Deputy Head of Department (for teaching). In these roles, I worked with both operation and development of the department's courses and educatuons, including strategy, recruitment, employer collaboration etc. I have also served as a trade union representative for a longer period of time.

Primary fields of research

  • Sensory Science
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Food Choice and Acceptance
  • Taste Learning
  • Children's Food Preferences


  • Determinants of Food Consumption (MSc course).
  • Supervision within Sensory and Consumer Science (BSc theses, MSc theses, and projects outside of scope).

ID: 4234166