Nationalkomitéen for Matematik/International Commission for Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership in committee, council, board

Niels Grønbæk - Chair

National Commission of Mathematics Instruction, Denmark


To maintain liason with ICMI and Denmark;

to exchange information and points of view regarding mathematics instruction at all levels of education;

to further dissemination in Denmark of knowledge of international trends in mathematics instruction and abroad of knowledge about danish trends in mathematics instruction;

to further initiatives in research and development of danish mathematics instruction at all levels of education.



Navn: Chairman of excecutive commitee

Body type: Commission
1 Jan 200030 Jun 2019

External organisation (Educational institution)

NameNationalkomitéen for Matematik/International Commission for Mathematics Instruction (ICMI)

ID: 12899178