3 October 2018

Ryomei Iwasa, postdoc at SYM

Newly employed

Ryomei Iwasa started on 1st October 2018 as a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen. He will be working with the research groups Topology and Algebra & Number Theory, affiliated with Center for Symmetry and Deformation. His postdoc mentor is Professor Lars Hesselholt.

Ryomei IwasaRyomei completed his PhD in 2018 at the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Thomohide Terasoma. His thesis is titled “Homology pro stability for Tor-unital pro rings”.

His research interests are algebraic K-theory, algebraic cycles, motives, Hodge theory, and (topological) cyclic homology.

Ryomei’s office is 04.2.07