4 February 2019

Petter Kjeverud Nyland, guest PhD student


Petter Kjeverud Nyland is a guest PhD student affiliated with the research group Non-Commutative Geometry, and he is visiting Søren Eilers for 5 months.

Petter Kjeverud NylandPetter obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. And he is currently pursuing a PhD there under the supervision of Eduard Ortega.

In broad terms, his research interests include Operator Algebras, Dynamical Systems, and a bit of Group Theory. More specifically, Petter’s PhD project is based around the fruitful interplay between C*-algebras and certain dynamical systems. The link between these two is étale groupoids. He is also interested in the associated topological full groups.

Petter is particularly fond of graph groupoids and graph algebras and is, therefore, hoping to benefit from Søren’s expertise in this area.

You can find Petter in office 04.4.03.

Peters NTNU-homepage