31 October 2018

Kaif Hilman, 4+4 PhD student

Newly employed

Kaif Hilman is employed as a PhD student, working with the research group Topology and Center for Symmetry and Deformation, from 1 September 2018.

Kaif HilmanKaif will undertake the 4+4 PhD scheme, where he will first complete a master's degree in Copenhagen before continuing on to a PhD. He is interested in algebraic topology and will be looking into derived group actions for particular examples of groups and topological spaces. His supervisor is Jesper Grodal.

Prior to this, Kaif was at the University of Cambridge where he obtained his undergraduate degree and took Part III of the mathematical tripos. His Part III essay was on computing the topological Hochschild homology of integers mod p, supervised by Dr Oscar Randal-Williams.

You can find Kaif in office 04.0.04