3 September 2019

Alex Bols, postdoc at QMATH

Newly employed

Alex Bols is employed as a postdoc at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, associated with the Section of Geometric Analysis and Mathematical Physics.

Alex BolsAlex will be working with the Villum Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH).

“I’m working on gapped phases of matter, with a particular interest in understanding these phases in the interacting regime. This involves several interesting problems and questions, from deciding whether a given system is gapped, through considering aspects of bulk-boundary correspondence and, of course, to find the topology hiding in these gapped systems,” explains Alex.

He completed his PhD in physics in May 2019, at the KU Leuven in Belgium. The thesis was on topological states of matter and associated quantization of charge transport in interacting systems (Title: Quantization of Charge Transport in Gapped Ground States).

His masters and bachelors were also in physics at the KU Leuven, obtained in 2015 and 2013 respectively.

You can meet Alex in room 04.0.02