30 May 2014

Matias Lolk, PhD student

Matias LolkMatias Lolk was hired as a PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences 15 April 2014. He is affiliated with the research group Non-commutative Geometry and has Mikael Rørdam as supervisor.

Matias has a bachelor's and master's degree in mathematics from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, UCPH. He defended his thesis "Universal algebras and dynamical systems associated with separated graphs" on 20 marts 2014.

Matias' research interests are in operator algebra and include, among others, graph algebras and topological dynamics. His PhD project will (probably) be a continuation of his thesis and will address the class of graph algebras associated with separated graphs that have been developed by Pere Ara, Ruy Exel and Ken Goodearl in recent years.

You can find Matias Lolk in office 04.1.06.