18 November 2015

Manuel Krannich, research assistant and PhD student

Newly employed

Manuel Krannich is employed as a research assistant until the beginning January 2016, where he will start as a PhD student.

Manuel obtained his Master’s degree from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the south of Germany. His master’s thesis, titled "Spaces of Submanifolds and the Classifying Space of the Topological Bordism Category", was supervised by Roman Sauer and revolved around the theorem of Galatius, Madsen, Tillmann and Weiss identifying the weak homotopy type of the topological bordism category with that of an infinite loop space of a certain Thom spectrum.

In Copenhagen, he will be working together with Professor Nathalie Wahl in the realm of homological stability and will be affiliated with the research group Topology.

Manuel can be found in office 04.4.3.