8 August 2016

Jonas Peters, associate professor in Statistics

Newly employed

Jonas Peters is employed as associate professor from 17 August 2016. He will be affiliated with the research group Statistics and Probability Theory.

Jonas PetersBefore joining MATH/Copenhagen, Jonas has been leading the causality group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen. Before that, he was a Marie Curie fellow at the Seminar for Statistics, ETH Zurich.

Jonas studied mathematics in Heidelberg and Cambridge and did his PhD with B. Schölkopf, D. Janzing and P. Bühlmann. His thesis received the ETH medal. He has worked with L. Bottou at Microsoft Research Redmond (WA, USA), M. Wainwright at UC Berkeley (CA, USA) and Peter Spirtes at CMU (PA, USA).

Jonas’ research interests lays in inferring causal relationships from observational distributions and he works both on theory and methodology. His work relates to areas as high-dimensional statistics, computational statistics or graphical models.

In Copenhagen, Jonas will work on real world applications and plans to learn more about dynamical systems. He is looking forward to get to know the new environment.

You can find Jonas in office 04.3.23.
Homepage: https://www.math.ku.dk/~peters/