Publications of Jørn B. Olsson

Links from the titles are to online versions of the papers. In some cases the access is restricted.
This page also contains links to scanned versions my two set of lecture notes from University of Essen (1982 and 1993)
List of publications  as
pdf-file (may not be up-to-date)

En Tankeflugt mod det Evige bliver tidt begrændset ved at nedskrives paa Papiret ( Poul Martin Møller )

The best that any mathematician can really hope for is to prove some first class theorems and have them understood by a few good mathematicians. Everything else is politics. ( M.P.Schutzenberger , according to G.E.Andrews )

Die höhere Mathematik enthält am Ende nur Abkürzungsmethoden (Novalis )