Inner model theory - an introduction

Specialeforsvar ved Dan Saattrup Nielsen

Titel: Inner model theory - an introduction

Abstract:  We introduce the field of inner model theory, starting from extenders and potential premice. We prove the basic properties of mice such as comparison, the Dodd-Jensen lemma, condensation and solidity. We construct mice via the Jensen-Steel method of using robust K^c constructions and then use these mice to construct the core model K under the assumption that there is no proper class model with a Woodin cardinal - this is proven without the assumption that there exists a measurable cardinal in V. This construction of K is due to Steel and Jensen in their 2013 article "K without the measurable"


Vejledere:  Asger Törnqvist / David Schrittesser
Censor:      Stig Andur Pedersen, RUC