4 November 2014

Frederik Riis Mikkelsen, PhD student

Frederik Riis MikkelsenFrederik Riis Mikkelsen started as a PhD student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences on the 1st of November 2014. He is affiliated with the research group Statistics and Probability Theory and has Niels Richard Hansen as supervisor. 

He is working with estimation of parameters in multivariate ODE-systems, with main focus on larger systems with an unknown model structure. The estimation problem arises in many applications, such as gene regulation and similar chemical processes. Furthermore, he will also be investigating analytic/geometric properties of the metric projections corresponding to the estimation problem.

Frederik has both his Bachelor's and Master's degree from this department. His Master's thesis focused on parameter estimation in partially observed diffusion processes based on local behavior near quasi-stationary states. Other mathematical and statistical interests include time-series analysis, state space models and functional analysis.

Frederik is seated in 04.3.28